Tag Archives: affiliate

How Do I make Money with SocialSpark?

The number 1 question that I get from bloggers who are just starting with SocialSpark is how they can make money. Well first thing you need to do is get your blog claimed and verified. So if you haven’t done that yet you need to check out my tutorial on How to Claim your Blog on SocialSpark. So, once you get that taken care of it is time to make some cash.

First you need to see what opportunities are out there for you.

Where do you go?

SocialSpark Marketplace

Step 1: Mouse Over on Marketplace
Step 2: Select Browse Opportunities from the drop down menu

From here you will default to the Qualified tab, this lists out all the opps that you as a blogger qualify for. This is everything, Sponsored posts, Blog Sponsorships, Cost Per Click and Affiliates. The only thing not listed here are the Sparks because everyone can take any Spark (even though some people try and impose qualifications which is wrong and not in the spirit of Sparks).

There are so many opps

SocialSpark All Opps

Sorting through all the possible ways to make money on SocialSpark can be daunting, especially for a new user. But the tabs make navigation very easy. You can see all of the opportunities available because you have the option of requesting a slot in any campaign. We’ll go into how to go about requesting a slot in an opp. So what types of opps are there?

Sponsored Posts

SocialSpark Sponsored Posts

Sponsored posts are some of the most effective ways to make money with SocialSpark. You write a post 50 – 200+ words for a set amount of money. Your blog post gets approved and you get paid. It is very important to write well thought out posts and really give it your best. This means grammar and punctuation and doing what is asked by the advertiser. This does not mean that you have to write a sugary coated love-fest post praising something that you don’t beleive in, no you have the right to write whatever you choose.

Blog Sponsorships

SocialSpark Blog Sponsorships

Sometimes advertisers want to sponsor an entire blog for a set number of days. What this means is that if you take a blog sponsorship when someone comes to your blog they will see a pop up screen before your blog loads. This screen will have the advertisers’ campaign on it and your readers will see it decide if they want to read more about this or continue on to your blog. You get paid the set amount each day that the sponsorship is on your blog.


SocialSpark Affiliates

I really like the Affiliate section of SocialSpark because how much you make is really in your court. You can sign up for an affiliate program and promote it using the ad units that are available. This includes text links, Facebook links, twitter links, and banner ads. You could post a link to Twitter or Facebook, you could write a post about the product or service and include text links, you could add banners to your blog. There are just so many things that you can do to promote the products or services. And with each sale or action you receive some money. For example I am an affiliate for XShot and with each sale of an XShot that originates through my links I am paid $3.90. That is a pretty decent payout


SocialSpark CPC

Similar to the Affiliate program the Cost Per Click opportunities give you various Ad units to use. However with Cost Per Click you are paid when someone clicks the link that you post through your blog, Twitter, or Facebook. You can do a pretty decent amount of money by posting a few links in various places.


SocialSpark Sparks

Sparks are opportunities that other bloggers create for free and anyone withing SocialSpark is free to take the Spark. I encourage bloggers new to the system and who are waiting for their blogs to be verified to take Sparks, make friends and build up their readership. A great way to do this is with BlogUBack Sparks. This means that if you take a Spark and write the blog post that is a BlogUBack type then you will get a link back to your blog from the originating blogger. A great way to build links and get your name out there to other bloggers.

So I hope that this has give you a better understanding on how to make money at SocialSpark. If you have any questions please let me know.

I’m Being Followed

I'm Being Followed
Photo-A-Day #1540

I don’t know what the folks at Market Leverage have gotten themselves into, first they accept me into their program and now they are following me on Twitter.

I came home today to find a little box from Dina at Market Leverage. Like my other ML shirt this one was a personalized one, I love it. Dina and Market Leverage really hooks me up with cool swag. If you are looking to get started with Market Leverage you can sign up through my affiliate like over there on the right side of the screen. I do make some money when people sign using my link, you will too when you sign up other people with your link. It is a great payout program and there are some cool offers. Now if I only had a spare moment to get myself educated on all the ways I could make money with Market Leverage I’d be golden.

If you want to be cool like Market Leverage you should be following me on Twitter too.