Tag Archives: Agent 13

Captain America Civil War Women of Funko Unboxing

The Women of Captain America Civil War
Photo-A-Day #4038

Today I continue on with my pre Captain America: Civil War celebrations and I unbox some more of my Funko figures. This time around the figures that I unbox are the women of Captain America: Civil War. I have the new Scarlet Witch, and Black Widow along with a character that has her first figure, Agent 13, Sharon Carter. I already have two previous versions of Black Widow including one with her carrying Captain America’s shield. I also have the version of Scarlet Witch from Avengers: Age of Ultron. These are some great figures.

These new female figures have one very special enhancement that should have been a part of all the previous female characters across all the different series of figures? These each have a small clear stand so that they can stand up without any problem. Now these new ones can be easily displayed without any fear of them falling. I’m happy about that.