Tag Archives: Airport

Opti-bama Prime

Opti-bama Prime
Photo-A-Day #1383

You might be wondering how this image qualifies as a photo for today. Well, I took a photo of my Masterpiece Optimus Prime and ran it through the Obamicon.me. Today our 44th President of the United States was sworn in to office. I missed pretty much every part of the ceremony but I had Twitter up so I had some play by play action of what was happening.

This morning I dropped Allison and Eva off at the airport for their flight to PA. A I left and was getting back on the highway I got a photo message from Allison. It showed Eva in her stroller waiting to get into the airport. Apparently the airport had some sort of security breach and they were no longer letting anyone into the airport. Apparently there was a man with a suspicious bag at the airport.

Luckily they were allowed to go into the airport and eventually they got onto the plane, on time even. The made it to their destination and are already having a lot of fun.

Photo-A-Day #717 03/26/07

Sunrise at Logan Airport

Getting up in the early early morning has some benefits. Shorter lines at the airport, and occasionally I get a great sunrise to look at. I’ve been thinking about the upcoming Photo contest on FuelMyBlog and the theme is “My Window on the World”. So that was my window on the world today and many other days. Maybe I should submit it. Continue reading Photo-A-Day #717 03/26/07