Tag Archives: apple

Sad Monkey

Photo-A-Day #2469

Today we went to lunch with my Aunt Candy. Allison and Eva usually go for lunch with Aunt Candy. This time I came along as well. Eva and I met Allison, Andrew and Aunt Candy at TGIFridays. We had a nice meal and then Eva and I went off looking for Skylanders. They are sold out EVERYWHERE! I know we already have a bunch of them but I’m excited about playing some of the other ones. Each figure has special moves. The game was done so well. Continue reading Sad Monkey

I Get Knocked Down…

Photo-A-Day #1755

Looking for inspiration for my photos today I turned to one of my favorite toys, LEGO. I was shooting photos of the miniman character while laying on the floor. Every time I would try and take the shot Duncan would come over to the minifig and paw at it to knock it over. I was using a long exposure and caught the ghosting of the cat creeping up swatting the minifig and stalking away. So if you look close you can see the top of the minifigs head at the feet of the fig. It is one of those sorts of moments that you can’t recreate if you try but being ready for it helped me to be ready when Duncan came over to knock over the minifig again.

Continue reading I Get Knocked Down…