Tag Archives: Ariel

Coloring Skills Improving

Photo-A-Day #2416

I’m so impressed with how Eva’s coloring skills have made a huge jump in recent weeks. She’s gone from coloring with one color in a tiny piece of a big paper and saying, “All done” to working on a very large photo and using tons of color. I came down from sleeping this afternoon to find that Eva had been working on these large Crayola poster size coloring pages and she had done such and amazing job on them.

We have noticed a trend that she is still very hard on herself and she tells us that she made a mistake on a page, I maintain that there are no mistakes in coloring.

Eva and I then tackled another poster with Aurora, Tiana and Ariel. I enjoy coloring with her so much.

Happy Easter 2011

Photo-A-Day #2207

Today was a wonderful Easter. We were up early and off to 8:00am Mass. Eva sat with Auntie Tara and Uncle Erik and Memere. Allison and I sat two pews up with Grandfather. It was a nice Mass and Fr. Dave’s homily was entertaining and informative. After Mass I took a photo of Eva with my cameraphone and sent it to Mimi and Grandpa Dano’s Kodak Pulse wi-fi enabled Digital Photo Frame. I also posted it to Facebook. She was so cute. Continue reading Happy Easter 2011