Tag Archives: autobots

Are You Ready for Some Robots in Disguise?

Are You Ready for Some Robots in Disguise?
Photo-A-Day #1536

This morning I came to the office and I noticed that my toys were moved around to simulate a Autobot/Decepticon football scrimmage. I assume that someone was sitting at me desk and looked at Thundercracker’s stance and say to themselves, “That guy looks like he is doing the Heisman, I think I’ll create a football scene.” I have to admit that was one of the more clever scenes that I have walked in to see on my desk.

But I moved the figures around a little bit because I really wanted to get a photo of the movie ticket from Tonight’s Pre-Screening of Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen that Allison and I are going to go see TONIGHT! Yes that is right, Transformers Week for me starts with a Free Pre-Screening of the movie at the AMC in Boston, That is the theater where Allison and I went to see the advanced showing of Serenity back in 2005.

I’m still going to go see Transformers 2 at the IMAX in Natick on Wednesday and as luck would have it I’m meeting up with Lenny at Kelly’s Roast Beef before the show. Transformers week also includes picking up the Transformers 2 video game for the Wii. Yeah I am pretty excited about that one as well. Oh and on Thursday Allison and I are seeing the Caribbean crooner himself, the honorable Jimmy Buffett. I picked up some Nilla Wafers some chocolate covered cookies and some frosting and I’m going to attempt to make cheeseburger in paradise mini cookies. That is if I can tear myself away from the Transformers game. Wish me luck

Secrets of Spring

Secrets of Spring
Photo-A-Day #1505

The irises around the house have started to make their springtime debut. Although it does not feel like spring around here but rather more like summer. I’m not ready to be instantly covered in sweat the moment I step out of the car. Although this weekend is supposed to be cooler. We shall see.

In the excitement of our vacation I forgot that I had ordered a new shirt from TenBills.com (Disclosure: Ten bills sent me free shirts in the past and even sponsored a contest with me and supplied me with prizes for Blogs, Brews and Belly Laughs and since then I’ve spent my own money on their shirts because I love how they look and how they feel).

New TenBills.com T-Shirt

This particular shirt is a limited edition t-shirt that TenBills is selling to help raise funds for ShutterCal (a free photo-a-day site that arranges your daily photos on a calendar, it rocks.). By the way I think the shirt captures the essence of what I have been doing for over 4 years. I now have to go and make sure that my Shuttercal is up to date (which it is not, you have to go back to January)

Transformers M&Ms

Speaking of limited edition, M&M’s just released their Transformers Movie Tie-In candies. Yesterday Allison picked up the Peanut M&M’s which are Decepticon themed, the Plain M&Ms which are Autobot themed. There is also a special edition Snickers bar that has Yellow Nougat. The bar is supposed to be colored like BumbleBee. There are some collectible wrappers. I’m not going to be collecting them however. What am I gonna do with some candy wrappers?