Tonight Allison and I went to Derek and Michelle’s to help them do a little packing. However there wasn’t much helping going on except for building boxes and setting Derek up with Windows Live Messenger. We also had some very tasty pizza from a place called Chardonnays. We had a buffalo chicken and a Pepperoni Pizza. I had had not had Buffalo Chicken Pizza before however and it was very good. Continue reading Little Nicholas, Cutie Patootie
Tag Archives: Babies
Photo-A-Day #645 01/13/07
Today Dad and I worked on a project at the house. We spent most of the morning and afternoon working on it. Later on in the afternoon he sent me for more supplies and I found out that my exhaust in my car decided that it was all done. 92028 was as many miles as that exhaust system was going to take me. I was stuck in traffic heading to Lowe’s when I heard the car make a “clunk” sound and the next thing I know it sounds like I’ve added a tip to my muffler. The difference between 20 and 30 is that when you are in your 20’s or younger you want your car to sound this way. When you are in your 30’s you are embarrassed by your car sounding like this. I’m sitting in the car wondering, did the muffler fall off completely? Are people looking at my car to see if it has a tip on the muffler and saying, that guy is too old for that? So now I have a date with Midas in the future.
This evening Neil and Andrea and Derek and Michelle and baby Nicholas came over for dinner. We showed them around the apartment and they really liked the new bedroom and the color that we chose. We all got turns to hold baby Nicholas who was an absolute sweetie all night. He was so well behaved (certainly doesn’t get that from his father Just kidding you Derek.) We made Boboli pizzas and Derek and Michelle made a salad and Andrea and Neil made mini cheesecakes. It was really nice to sit down and catch up with everyone. We are looking forward to getting out living and dining rooms finished so we can have more nights like this in the future. Here are a few pictures that we took tonight. I hope I get the right photographers.