Tag Archives: Bagel

The Saga of the Salt Bagel

Salt Bagel
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01224

Last night I worked from the office in Fall River. It took longer to get home than usual and I also stopped at Target for some dishwasher tabs. I also decided to stop by Tasty’s for a salt bagel. They had a special Mexican Street Corn cream cheese that sounded perfect so I got that for my breakfast. I went home and took out the bagel to enjoy it and discovered a poppy seed bagel with peanut butter.

While I should have been sleeping I decided that I had really been looking forward to the bagel so I turned right around and went back to Tasty’s so they could get it right. They were very good about the mistake and will make it right. The person behind the counter slipped two cookies into my bag along with the correct bagel.

When I finally did get home with the correct bagel I was pleased with how good it tasted. I really enjoyed the new cream cheese.