Tag Archives: Barefoot Books

Becoming a Barefoot Books Ambassador

Photo-A-Day #2110

I think that I have told everyone and their brother that Allison and I were going to become Barefoot Books Ambassadors. Well, we hadn’t gone ahead and signed up until today. I was recording the latest episode of Geek Dads Weekly with Daniel M. Clark and he told me that he signed up for the Ambassador Program. I was not about to be outdone especially after how long I’ve been a fan of the books and especially after getting Daniel a big box of Barefoot books to read with his kids and for us to promote on the show. Eva and I have been reading these books ever since the launch of Boston Parent Bloggers and we’ve finaly gotten it together to do some video reviews. Continue reading Becoming a Barefoot Books Ambassador

Picture Perfect Princess

Eva at Tangled
Photo-A-Day #2052

As a parent there are so many firsts to celebrate. For a parent who is a huge movie buff there is another milestone to celebrate. Your child’s first movie in a theater. Today we took Eva to a sneak preview of the movie Tangled. Allison won tickets to see the movie through Disney’s Family Fun magazine. So, this very morning we got up early (first time Eva went and slept late) and headed into Boston to the Regal cinema’s Fenway. We wanted to make sure that we got seats, good seats so that Eva would have the best experience possible.

Continue reading Picture Perfect Princess