Tag Archives: Blue Lion

The Kids React to Voltron Season 2 Finale

The Kids React to VOLTRON Season 2
Photo-A-Day #4313

The kids and I watched the last two episodes of Voltron Season 2 tonight. The certainly packed a ton of action into the whole season. We watched as the action got more and more intense from the beginning of episode 12 to the very end of episode 13. I was sort of nervous about the finale because I had heard the possibility of there being a major death in the episode. I can’t say whether or not a death happened but it was intense.

I was also worried because we watched all of Trollhunters together and something really tragic happened at the end of the season. It hit Eva really hard. I was hoping that this wouldn’t be on that same level. They are two separate shows. They have two different vibes. We love the Paladins and we love the Trollhunters. Both finales gave me the chills with the stakes being so high. There were characters that I feared for and some that I cheered for. There were tears and gasps of amazement. I loved the action of Voltron. They really pulled out all the stops on those last episodes. The action was incredible. The kids loved it and the cliffhanger of an ending makes us eager for Season 3.

#Unboxing #Voltron Toys – Celebrating Second Season #StreamTeam

Sword Attack Voltron

Photo-A-Day #4301

I received a couple of the new Voltron toys from Playmates Toys for free to Unbox and review. The kids gave me a hand and the opinions expressed are ours.

When Voltron Season 1 came out I watched the whole thing on my own and then I re-watched it with the kids. The kids really enjoyed it and we have been looking forward to the release of second season. I have a big post about it from yesterday, too. It was one of my StreamTeam posts. Tonight we watched the first episode of Voltron Legendary Defender Season 2 as a family and loved it. Then I had to go to work and believe me, I would have much rather watched 4 or 5 episodes with the kids and really get into this season.

Voltron Toys

But.. we only watched the one episode and then the kids helped me unbox three Voltron toys. Two of them were provided to us by Playmates and the other one Andrew and I bought today. I was so close to buying the entire 16″ Voltron with all five lions (buying the Legendary ones will cost $100+) I really wanted it but decided against it. Lucky for me because the car needs new brakes.

Continue reading #Unboxing #Voltron Toys – Celebrating Second Season #StreamTeam