Photo-A-Day #3124
I started another Skylanders coloring page at my desk at work. This time it is Boom Jet. Boom Jet is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters in Skylanders Swap Force. He’s voiced by Roger Craig Smith who is also the voice of Captain America in avengers Assemble.
I’ve been all about finding out who the voices of the characters are. Once I saw who was voicing Boom Jet I could definitely hear a bit of Captain America from the Avengers Assemble show. Continue reading Boom Time with an Amazing Wii U Bundle →
Yesterday I took the train down to New York City to attend a Skylanders Swap Force Event where I got to see a bunch of figures up close and actually got to touch them and what’s even better, I got to PLAY the game. Yeah there were four playable levels plus I got my hands on the 3DS version of the game. I learned a ton of information and I hope that I can relay all that I learned to you to help you get even more excited about buying this game and the figures when they come out in less than a month.

The event was at The James Hotel in Soho. I took the train in from Providence and then hopped the E train downtown to Soho. The event was in a suite in the hotel where there were four setups of the game, two on the Wii U and two on the XBox 360. There were a few characters to play with (Check out my full gallery of images of the Swap Force Figures) like Magna Charge (Swap-able Tech), Blast Zone (Swap-able Fire), Wash Buckler (Swap-able Water), Rattle Shake (Swap-able Undead), Lava Barf Eruptor (Re-posed Series 3 Fire), Mega Ram Spyro (Re-posed Series 3 Magic), Zoo Lou (New Core Life) and Roller Brawl (New Core Undead). These were the ones that we could play with. There were also some additional characters in a separate room with the Playstation 4 including Boom Jet (Swap-able Air), Grilla Drilla (Swap-able Life) and Slobber Tooth (New Core Earth). We got a great demo of the characters from Lou Studdert, from the Activision development team. Continue reading Skylanders Swap Force Preview Event Recap →
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