Here are Eva’s crayons from the Ellis Paul Kid’s concert. They are sitting on top of her Melissa and Doug set of stamps. Eva loves her stamps. She usually gets them at Dance class and always asks for a few more. One day she came home with them on both hands, shoulders and arms. She also likes to give stamps to us. Whether we like that or not. Continue reading Focus on Color
Tag Archives: Box of Crayons
The Crayon Experiment is Growing.

Image by Vagabond_Blue
One of my great Twitter Followers saw my Use Every Crayon In The Box Experiment and took the challenge. Vagabond Blue (@vagabond_blue) took part in this experiment and made a great image using all of the crayons in the box. Here is the image vagabond_blue created. Use Every Crayon in the Box: The Experiment. If you are going to do the experiment please let me know and I may feature you on
Would You Like to Recreate The Experiment?
* Get a box of brand new crayons.
* Remove the Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet Brown and Black crayons.
* Get a coloring page (or blank sheet of paper if you are really serious)
* Get a stopwatch or something to tell you when a minute is up. The stopwatch on the iPod or iPhone works great for this. Set the stopwatch for a minute.
* Start the countdown and grab one crayon at random.
* Color with that crayon for one minute.
* Repeat until every crayon has been used.
I’d love to see your finished products. Shoot the box of crayons before you start, shoot the coloring page or blank sheet of paper too. Then take some photos during the experiment, or have someone shooting photos of you doing this. Then take photos of the box when you are done and also take a photo of the finished product.