Tag Archives: Breast Cancer 3-Day

Happy 4th of July!

Okay so I am two days late with this.

The 4th of July was a great time at the Bennett Residence in Falmouth. On Saturday Allison and I went to the Bourne Bridge to do some walking/roller blading. Allison walked with a couple of women who were also walking for the Breast Cancer 3 Day. I took my roller blades and did the 10 mile loop up and back. We had a very nice day. Continue reading Happy 4th of July!

Cape Weekend

This weekend Allison and I went to the Cape. We walked 14 miles on Saturday and 6 on Sunday. Her training is progressing really well. She has met and surpassed the goal to raise money for the walk, but her personal goal is to raise more than the minimum so donations would still be awesome. Thanks to everyone who has supported her so far.

This weekend we also rented Big Fish. That was a great movie. Very interesting characters and stories in the movie. Go rent it.