Tag Archives: Brett Bumeter

WordCamp Boston 2010

Photo-A-Day #1751

Today I was part of something historic. Today was the first ever WordCamp Boston. There were over 400 people who descended upon the Microsoft New England Research and Development Center (MicroSoft N.E.R.D for short) for WordCampBoston.

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Swag that I received from IZEAFest 2009

My box of IZEAFest swag.. I...

At every conference I have ever attended I’ve been loaded down with Swag. I have to pack separate bags just to take it home and sometimes I even have to ship it home. It takes me a while to go through all of it and make follow ups with all the great people that gave me things so I apologize for this post being rather late. However, the swag I’m talking about is not what you think.

Continue reading Swag that I received from IZEAFest 2009