Tag Archives: Canon SD800is

Photo-A-Day #1000!!!

Photo-A-Day #1000

Today is the 1000th consecutive day that I have taken and posted a photo to my blog. You can go all the way back to Day one on April 9, 2005 when I started this strange journey of discovery. I owe a huge debt of thanks to Christopher Williams for the idea. It was because of his 2002 Photo-A-Day project that mine was born. I also owe a huge debt of thanks to all of my friends and family who didn’t know exactly what they were getting themselves into when I started this project. They have been subjected to and subjects of my camera in their face for such a long time.

Continue reading Photo-A-Day #1000!!!

Photo-A-Day #725 04/03/07

Duncan in Yellow

Today’s photo is of Duncan but it is really about the great feature of my Canon SD800is camera. This feature is called Color Accent. It can only be accessed if you take your camera off the automatic mode and jump into the scary area of manual settings. But it is really cool and worth playing around with. I talk more about the process and my inspiration for this type of photo on Flatwater. Continue reading Photo-A-Day #725 04/03/07