Tag Archives: Capron Park

Being Silly at the Zoo

Photo-A-Day #2318

I got home from work, slept and when I work up around 3pm I decided to take Eva over to the Zoo and give Allison a mental break. Eva and I walked up and over to the Zoo so we could walk around and see all the animals. Eva got to walk around and see an otter nibbling on his tail and spinning around, Eva cracked up. Then we walked over to the Lemurs and they are on two islands. Ducks paddle around the island and there are also turtles. Watching the ducks and turtles swim around was funny because they kept crashing into each other. I kept saying Duck, Duck, Turtle and Eva cracked up. We saw a bunch of the animals and I snapped this one of the white Lion has he finished a yawn, lucky timing. Continue reading Being Silly at the Zoo

Family Walk at the Park

Photo-A-Day #2313

Our new home is now a couple of blocks from this wonderful park. We’ve been coming to Capron Park together for a long time. We love the zoo, the big field where you can fly a kite and the great walking trails. After dinner we decided to take a walk over to the park. I hope that we make this a regular thing. It was nice to get out for a little walk.