Tag Archives: Captain America

Review: Captain America (1990)

Did you know that before this Summer’s blockbuster Captain America: The First Avenger there was another Captain America movie? I certainly didn’t but when I was given the opportunity to watch the 1990 movie the comic book geek in my said, yes please!

Here is the trailer.

Continue reading Review: Captain America (1990)

The First Avenger: Captain America

Photo-A-Day #2212

I’ve been thinking about Free Comic Book Day a lot lately. Last year I took Eva for her very first Free Comic Book Day. We went to WildTime Comics. I’ve been going there for nearly ten years now. Randy runs the shop and I enjoy chatting with him when I drop in to pick up my books. This year however I am attending Bloggy Bootcamp Boston that same day. I will also be starting my new job which is weekend nights. I explain that more in my Part Time Stay at Home Dad post. Continue reading The First Avenger: Captain America