Photo-A-Day #3233
Our little chef just loves mixing with Mommy. He loves being able to stand up on the step stool and use the wisk. He simply enjoys doing the mixing. Of course we have to make sure that he doesn’t go sticking his fingers into the mixture to taste test the raw eggs.
Today Andrew helped make some cornbread muffins. It’s just so happy doing this.
I also think that he really likes his Saint Anselm College Hoodie.
Moving into a new house has been interesting. It has been a little hard on Eva because we have not had as much time to spend playing with her as we have before we started working on the new house. however, once we are in the house one thing that I want to do more of with Eva is cook. She has shown interest in helping and I think our new kitchen is a perfect place for her to learn. But in the meantime… Continue reading Review: Maukilo Chef Stovetop Set →
One Family's Adventures in the World