Tag Archives: Chris Brogan

The Rain Stompah!

Photo-A-Day #1962

It was a quiet rainy day round these parts. We started with a nice family trip to church where we ran into some of my friends from college and their twin 8 week old babies. They were so cute. Then Allison took Eva down to the Knitting shop for a knitting party. I was able to get some work done including creating the second Photo-A-Day podcast. Continue reading The Rain Stompah!

Mix and Match

mix and match
Photo-A-Day #1861

I think one of the greatest features of a Mr. Potato Head is the ability to customize the toy. When you look at where this simple toy came from to where it is today there is no mistaking the possibilities for expansion and extended game play. Chris Brogan talks about giving your ideas handles. Mr. Potato Head gets that right by designing parts and pieces that appeal to many different people, from Disney, Sport, Transformers and Even Star Wars fans there is a Mr. Potato Head for everyone. Continue reading Mix and Match