Tag Archives: Christmas is for Kids

#BenSparkGives – Our Christmas is for Kids Donation Day

Photo-A-Day #3895

Christmas is for kids donation day

Tonight we did a few of our annual Christmas traditions. Each year we pull together a ton of toys to donate to Christmas is for Kids. I take many of the extra toys from reviews, Toy Fair and even more events and add them together along with toys that we buy from money that we’ve saved over the year. We bought those toys on Monday. So we put them together and bagged them up to bring on over to the Christmas is for Kids drop off location. This was the first year that the kids and Allison came with me. While there we got a tour of the operation which is pretty big because of how many families they help. Continue reading #BenSparkGives – Our Christmas is for Kids Donation Day

Visiting La Salette Christmas Lights 2014

Photo-A-Day #3534

Today was a busy day. We did a bunch of our Christmas traditions all in one day. Andrew and I did play group in the morning and he napped in the afternoon, which was good because the day would be a long one. We went and got our tree, shopped for the rest of the Christmas is for Kids toys, visited La Salette and also had our yearly post-La Salette Bliss Bros. dinner.

Andrew and I headed over to Attleboro Farms to meet up with Allison and Eva and pick out our Christmas Tree. Eva wanted a Balsam because we stayed in The Balsams room at the Christmas Farm Inn. She really likes things that match up that way. We found a nice 6 foot Balsam for our house. We got a fresh cut on the tree and they tied the tree onto my roof rack. Continue reading Visiting La Salette Christmas Lights 2014