Tag Archives: Christmas is for Kids

Thank you Spin Master

Some Excellent Spin Master Toys

A while back I got a huge box of amazing Spin Master toys. There were just so many of them that I couldn’t review them all and since we get so many toys in a year I like to spread the wealth a little. Each year we collect toys and buy toys for Christmas is for Kids. This is a local charity run by the Council for Children. So, I donated six great toys from Spin Master. Three very popular board games and three Spy Gear toys. Some very lucky children will get some fun games and toys to play with on Christmas morning thanks to the awesome Spin Master Toys.

The Toys that were donated were:

Christmas is for Kids Collection 2013

Christmas is for kids
Photo-A-Day #3169

Today we took the toys that we had collected all year and those that we bought on our family shopping trip and set them up for the annual pre-donation photo. While the overall donation wasn’t as large as last year we did end up with a decent haul for the Christmas is for Kids charity. We didn’t even get over to the annual toy drive like we’ve done in past years and I really missed that. We’ve been doing the donation thing for a few years now and it is a fun family activity. I’m glad that we’ve been doing this ever since Eva was really small. Now it is something that we all look forward to doing. Time to get started for next year.