Tag Archives: Co-Op Card Game

Crazy Time Getting Caught Up – 5-Minute Dungeon Preview

Sleeping Andrew
Photo-A-Day #4214

One rather busy Tuesday today. I’m behind on my Koko Fit Club sessions and can’t fall behind on my 12 X 12 X 12. I doubled up on my strength and cardio this morning and have to do it again on Thursday. I was pretty wiped afterward but it was really satisfying. Andrew and I had lunch and then I worked up a post for tomorrow, it is an interview with Benedict Cumberbatch from last week’s #DoctorStrangeEvent.

While I worked on my post Andrew had a nice little nap on the couch. He was looking sleepy and rather than make him go to his room I let him have his time on the couch. He was already sleepy and wrapped up in his puppy dog blanket. When I was done with my post I snuck upstairs to take a quick nap. Twenty minutes of shuteye and Andrew was waking me up before I knew it.

His little nap must have done some good. He was really focused in karate this afternoon. So much so that the Sensei and Mr. Jacob both came up to tell him how well he was doing today. They were really impressed and I was very proud of him.

When we got home Eva, Andrew and I played some 5-Minute Dungeon. This is a game that I’ll be reviewing tomorrow. It was so much fun. I’ll tell you more about it tomorrow in a full review. You can find out more information at 5-Minute Dungeon and their Kickstarter starts on November 1, 2016.