We have been talking about Finding Dory for months now. This is not only because I went to California on an invite from Walt Disney Studios (Disclosure: The Trip was All Expenses Paid) to learn how to carve pumpkins with Master Pumpkin Carver, Joseph Yakovetic. Rather, it is because Andrew has been mentioning every single day that his birthday party will be a Finding Dory themed one. We held his birthday party with friends this past Saturday and I was able to bring my Finding Dory pumpkin along with the Finding Dory themed birthday cake that Allison made him and that he got to cut with a sword. Needless to say, Finding Dory has been on our minds. Andrew ended up with so many Finding Dory things for his birthday and he was thrilled!

Before I learned that I was going to be attending this trip I was hopping that I’d be sent a copy of Finding Dory on Blu-ray before the official release date of today. We wanted to be able to play the movie during the party for the kids. Instead, I’ve watched it several times with Andrew and have had a great time checking out all of the special bonus features of the Blu-ray. There are a ton of them. I personally like all the behind the scenes features like the one about creating Hank the septopus and all the challenges that went along with that. Hank is one of the most complex characters that Pixar has ever animated.
Below I have a list of all the bonus features of the Blu-ray that you can pick up today.
Continue reading Finding Dory and an Entire Ocean’s Worth of Bonus Features Arrives Today on Blu-ray