Tag Archives: Dance

What to do with Recital Flowers

Photo-A-Day #2986

What a difference a day makes. After last night’s crazy splinter affair where Eva screamed like we were killing her. Today she was completely subdued, her foot was much better and she was back to her old self.

She was back to being sweet and thoughtful. When we asked her if we could give her recital flowers to someone who would be able to better appreciate them she agreed with two small caveats. First, that she get to keep the big single rose so that we could dry it out for her. And second, that we took a photo of her with the flowers. I thought that was reasonable.

Why are we giving away her flowers? Well, by the time we are home to appreciate them they will be totally dead. As it is we have to lock them in the bathroom so the three cats don’t make a meal out of them, a meal that they would immediately puke up.

So, the flowers were brought to Madonna Manor where they were put into a resident’s room so they could be appreciated more fully. That is the kind of kind and thoughtful thing that we’ve come to know from our Eva.

I cannot believe that tomorrow is her last day of Pre-K/Kindergarten. I know there are going to be some tears all around when we pick her up tomorrow.

Time for Dance Pictures

Photo-A-Day #2593

Tonight we went to get Eva’s dance photos taken. Her second recital is this June and she is in two numbers, Tap and Jazz. She was so cute in her Yankee Doodle Dandy costume. I took a bunch of photos of her but she is so fidgety that only about half of them came out on the iPhone. She is just so excited about everything and I love that about her. It is just hard to photograph without the DSLR. I guess I got to start carrying that more often.