Shout Factory sent me a copy of the forthcoming DVD Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters Dawn of the Beast to watch and review. Opinions are 100% my own.
Transformers Prime is, hands down, the best Transformers series ever created. That is my complete and honest opinion. So much attention was paid to character design, character story arcs, character development and production of a visually stunning show. Pairing down the cast to a few Autobots and legions of Decepticons force the Autobots into the role of the underdog throughout the entire run of the series. This DVD takes the first 4 episodes of the third season and makes it more of a movie.
When I first watched the episodes I watched them one at a time and they weren’t so compelling watching them that way. However, when taken together in one shot it was so compelling. Here are the Autobots who were moments away from rebuilding their entire homeworld, something that has been the driving force behind the lore of the Transformers forever. So they are seconds from making this a reality at the end of Season 2 and Megatron and the Decepticons show up and ruin those plans plus they destroy the Autobots base on Earth and begin to Cyberform Earth. This group that has been outnumbered and outgunned for two seasons was about to triumph and then get completely and utterly defeated and scattered to the winds. Optimus himself is on death’s door after being caught in the explosion that destroys the base. This is where we begin season 3. Continue reading Review: Transformers Prime: Dawn of the Beast