Tag Archives: DinoTrux

Launching on Netflix today Season 3 of DREAMWORKS DINOTRUX! #StreamTeam


Season 3 of the popular DINOTRUX has dropped on Netflix and I know one kid who is pretty excited…. Me. I love the idea of these dinosaurs that are actually construction vehicles. The way this show is done is incredible. The designs of each of the characters are excellent with so much detail being put into making them look the best that they can look. I have an 8 minute preview of Season 3 below but if you have Netflix already then you should head there and start watching Seaoson 3. We’re actually a few episodes behind on Season 2 so we have to catch up before we go on to 3. Don’t wait for us, go now!

Distributing the Drew Crate

TMNT Turtle Tactical Truck:
Photo-A-Day #4161

Cleaning out the office meant it was time to take the Turtle Tactical Truck away. The rest of my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are here, too. I’ll probably bring it back home once we have more room for the kids to play. I also have my old action figures which I will break out in a couple of years.

I cleaned out my office a few days ago. I put things that I no longer wanted into a box. That guy from work saw it in my previous video and dubbed it “Drew Crate” because I often do Loot Crate unboxings and have a ton of stuff on my desk that is Loot Crate related.

On the way in to work I went to Barnes & Noble and picked up some Harry Potter iced cookies that look like the Sorting Hat. We are watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone tomorrow night with the kids and I wanted to give them something special for it.