Tag Archives: #DoctorStrangeEvent

Discussing the Finer Points of Villainy With Mads Mikkelsen at the #DoctorStrangeEvent

Mads Mikkelsen and the bloggers
Photo Courtesy of Walt Disney Studios

Two weeks ago I attended the Doctor Strange Press Junket, or rather #DoctorStrangeEvent, I was one of 25 bloggers there for Walt Disney Studios (Disclosure: All-Expenses Paid). We interviewed many people but the one that nearly broke my Twitter feed was Mads Mikkelsen. I posted a few days before the trip that I would be interviewing him. People came out of the woodwork to ask all sorts of questions, profess their love and so much more. The day I put up that tweet I looked at my phone and there were 36 responding tweets within the first half hour. I had no idea that Mads had such an active and excited fanbase. This was a guy I needed to learn more about. So, I got rather excited about the upcoming interview.

As with the Tilda Swinton interview, Mads noticed the Doctor Strange toys immediately. I probably should have put my Kaecilius Pop on the table for him but the thing just kept falling over. I figured it would probably be too much of a distraction, especially if he tried to make it stand up. That’s okay because he knocked over the Doctor Strange Pop and said, “I guess he wasn’t strong enough.”

Then he was asked if he would be getting his action figure he replied, “I’ve been waiting 51 years for that. So I think yes.. The interview was an excellent one and I got in a really good question that had an interesting answer. Read on for the rest of the interview.

Continue reading Discussing the Finer Points of Villainy With Mads Mikkelsen at the #DoctorStrangeEvent

Doctor Strange, Skylanders, Super Mario and 5-Minute Dungeon

More Toys
Photo-A-Day #4222

So many things going on today. I went and took a bunch of things out of my closet so that I can find a few things for a new YouTube project. I’m going to be working with my friend Brian on a new channel called SteamDads. You can visit it through http://www.steamdads.com/. I had to go and get a lab coat, get the logo embroidered on it and more.

While I was out and about I found some Doctor Strange Pops including the Ancient One Pop that I didn’t pick up in California. The one I really should have because Tilda Swinton would have been so delighted to see it. You can read about that in my interview with her at Interviewing Tilda Swinton and Why I Should have Bought “The Ancient One” Pop!

I also found a Legendary Magic Creation Crystal at Toys R Us. I also did a lot with Skylanders Imaginators recently like loaded in all of my previous figures, magic items and traps.

I also found the last of the Hot Wheels Super Mario Character cars at Toys R Us. The last one I was looking for was Yoshi. I now have a complete set.

Speaking of character Cars I opened some Star Wars ones, too. A Jawa, a Storm Trooper and a Death Trooper.

And I wanted to tell you about the launch of the Kickstarter Campaign for 5-Minute Dungeon and it is fully funded. My review of the game is also on that Kickstarter.

My review – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJ4MWTBzSns

The Kickstarter Campaign – http://kckstr.com/5MDnow