Tag Archives: Elf on the Shelf

2011 Downtown North Attleboro Santa Parade

Photo-A-Day #2424

Today was the annual Santa Parade in Downtown North Attleboro. We had a nice day at the house. Eva and I played with our LEGO sets and I’ve started opening a bunch of sets that I bought years ago. I bought a big box to put them all into so that we can use them all together. I may or may not package each set into a separate ziplock bag. I’m not sure how everyone else does their storage of LEGO, I’m sure that there are some good storage systems available. I wonder if it is better to have the sets together or to have all the bricks together so that you build whatever you like. I saw a great new LEGO series the other day at Toys R US called the DINO series. I so want to get all those sets. Continue reading 2011 Downtown North Attleboro Santa Parade

Fitzy the Elf on the Shelf

Photo-A-Day #2069

Last year we got an Elf on the Shelf right after Christmas but this year we got to start using it. We took it out on Sunday night and introduced Eva to the elf. We asked Eva what we should name the elf and she didn’t have a name so I started suggesting them to her. She picked the second one I said which was Fitzy. She liked that one a lot.

Continue reading Fitzy the Elf on the Shelf