Tag Archives: Felicity Jones

Can you Feel the Force in this New Rogue One Trailer?

The Rogue One Poster

As if the release of the Rogue One: A STAR WARS Story poster wasn’t enough for fans, the brand new trailer was launched today and with it the feels of The Force. I’ve watched the trailer quite a few times and as the rebels come together and give hope to the rebellion I want to cheer. Seeing Jyn and Baze and Saw and Chirrut rally around their mission is very empowering. I fear that they will not live to see another movie because we know what their mission is and while it is ultimately successful, I’m not spoiling anything here if you have ever watched a STAR WARS movie, you know the plans for the Death Star are secured by these rebels. Here is the official description of the movie.

From Lucasfilm comes the first of the Star Wars standalone films, ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY, an all-new epic adventure. In a time of conflict, a group of unlikely heroes band together on a mission to steal the plans to the Death Star, the Empire’s ultimate weapon of destruction. This key event in the Star Wars timeline brings together ordinary people who choose to do extraordinary things, and in doing so, become part of something greater than themselves.

I still fear for them and their survival. You can see the trailer for yourself here.

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Tonight I’m Anger, But I Have Rogue One Funko Pops

Rogue One Funko Pops
Photo-A-Day #4188

Tonight I am Anger. Not angry but Anger, the character from Inside Out. For Work I am dressing up every week as a different character for the first couple of hours of work. It is part of a program where we are trying to get teams of people working to increase the backlog work that is done. Teams are in competition. However, our heavy hitter is on vacation for the next two weeks so my team is going to be out of the running. I don’t think I’m going to be the one who makes up for him being gone. I certainly don’t begrudge him any, I’m glad he’s getting away for a while.

I’ve been very frustrated about getting the house ready for market. Today I’m just in a funk about it, and I wasn’t in the best frame of mind when I made the video. I should have just unboxed the toys and been done with it.

Speaking of the toys, I picked up two Funko Pop Figures at Target. Today was #ForceFriday, the day when new Star Wars toys are released for the upcoming movie. I got the Jyn Erso Target exclusive figure and Chirrut Imwe one. Those are about the only ones I want other than the standard Jyn Erso one, but that wasn’t there.