Tag Archives: Friends

Learn What You Love 21st Century

21st Century Conference with Shelley Cook
Photo-A-Day #4669

Today I went up to Nipmuc High School to speak to students about blogging and social media. My college friend Shelley is a Chemistry teacher there. She had asked me months ago if I could come and speak to the students at the school. I was not at all sure what to expect. I found out last week that the day was a huge day for the students to see all sorts of different professions from people who were doing them. The title of the day was “Learn what you love. Love what you learn. 21st Century Learning Conference.” Students could choose what they wanted to see. I did two sessions for about 20 kids total.

In preparation I looked through some of my previous blogging presentation and then set up examples of the companies that I have worked with in the past year. The session wasn’t so much how to blog or that but more so what blogging and social media has done for me. I found it to be a fun event and it was great getting back up and talking in front of a live audience. The tough thing was that they were teens and I thinks some wanted to like it but they had to be stoic and disengaged. However, we did get some good feedback. When I left the coordinator of the event was so excited. She said that some students wanted to switch over to my session. My session description was this:

Is there more to social media than Snapchat and selfies? Learn what it takes to create an online brand through several social media channels to supplement your income and pursue your dreams.

And see how I mention Snapchat. That is where the students are online. I asked if they were on Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and more. Snapchat was the overwhelming top place for the students. I felt pretty old on that because I just don’t get Snapchat. I just don’t get it.

But the students was very nice. I even had one ask me questions afterwards which felt good. It was also great to see my friend after so many years.

Party Like 1818

Our Old Man
Photo-A-Day #4646

We had a wonderful New Year’s Eve today. I had the night off from work so I could be home to celebrate. Allison told me that our good friends, the Prestons had invited us over for a some drinks and appetizers. Allison made the Fried Pickle Egg Rolls for an appetizer and they were spectacular! We found the recipe online and I was going to make them but I ended up sleeping the entire day away because of work the night before. They are pickles that have had the middles scooped out and then filled with cream cheese, shredded cheese and bacon! So good!

Our time with the PRestons was wonderful. They are always such gracious hosts and we have a lot of fun with them. The kids adore their girls and this time there were even more kids to play with. Another couple was there with their 4 kids. So, all 8 of the children played together. Sure, there were some events but for the most part everyone got along really well. They even played together on some instruments and had a little music jam along with Aaron on his guitar. It was a great way to welcome in the New Year.

Andrew chose his outfit. Then I saw the wood stove and I had to get him to pose there. He looks like he’s about to work at his dad’s general store.