Tag Archives: Friends

Eva Found her Calling

Eva in a Bobcat
Photo-A-Day #4526

Today we went over to my friend Sarah’s house. She does a big end of the Summer party. There is food and also music. Last year there was a live band. This year it rained so no live band but they still had a great inflatable water slide. The kids had a great time sliding down over and over again. Even though it was cold, wet and rainy, they did not care, they had such fun.

There was also a Bobcat on site and it was open so the kids were able to climb into it and sit and pretend. This was Eva’s face the second she got into the cab. I had to wait till I was over 21 to get into the cab of one of these type machines. I was surprisingly good at it too, I credit video games to that.

Yeah, It’s That Good!

Pauls Pizza
Photo-A-Day #4487

We had Paul’s Pizza tonight on The Cape. It was the nicest day all week. It was actually perfect beach weather. After two days of rain and gloom we had a great day of sun. I went over to the beach and staked out a location right close to the water’s edge. The beach had been cleaned that morning and the water was nice and calm. You could even walk out a little ways on a sort of sandbar. I took Andrew over in the morning. Just the two of us before lunch and before I went to drive Eva to Science School.

We had a lot of fun together. I brought over a Bunch O Balloon’s water blaster. You can use it to fill up balloons but you can also use it to fire a blast of water at people. Andrew had it and I kept playing at being a big monster coming to get him. He’d blast me and I would pretend to die in slow motion and fall into the water. This brought on tons of giggle fits from Andrew. Then I’d grab the blaster from him and blast him back. We had fun and giggle fits and it was a great moment for bonding. We also didn’t bother any other people because we were the only ones in the water at that time.

I took Eva to Science School and realized that I had no change for the parking so I went back into Falmouth and I stopped at the Dollar Store and Christmas Tree Shops. I was on the lookout for Whiffle Balls because my nephew cranks them over the fence (he’s 4) and we lose a lot of them. I found 3 for a dollar.

Back to pick up Eva and then home to enjoy the beach again, this time with cousins and friends. We enjoyed the beach for the afternoon, it got crowded. Maybe it felt like that because there was a group that kept encroaching on us in the water. They were playing catch with a ball and hit me with it once. If it happened a second time I was going to throw it out to the buoy. I had little patience for that.

That night we had pizza from Paul’s Pizza (photo above) and when that was over a friend of mine from college came over.

My friend Brendan was on my floor my Freshman year. We have kept in touch through Facebook over the years. He messaged me yesterday to ask what there was to do in Falmouth when it rained. I asked if he was here and it turns out that he was here for the week with his family. We had to get together so tonight we had beers on the porch and talked. It was a great night for that and we had fun catching back up together. I only regret not getting a photo together to mark the occasion.