Tag Archives: Funko Pop Figures

One Minute Unboxing – Star Wars Roge One – K-2SO

Unboxing K-2SO
Photo-A-Day #4197

Collecting Funko Pops has become something big for me. I love these little guys, they are adorable and they are also so cool to look at. I love how Funko re-imagines so many characters. I’ve been enjoying the Star Wars ones lately and have a few that I have yet to open. There are always exclusives at different places. I have just be after the Jyn Erso ones because she’s the main character, but I do like the other ones, too. I cannot find a definitive list of all the Jyn Erso exclusives, but I assume that there will be even more after the movie is released. There are many of Rey from The Force Awakens. I went searching and found a bunch of them.

I think that my next Smuggler’s Bounty box should have a cool Jyn Erso figure inside. I’m certainly looking forward to that.

My Captain America: Civil War Pop Collection Grows

Funko Pop Figures
Photo-A-Day #4019

I’ve been working on building up my Captain America: Civil War Funko Pop collection. Allison got me three of the figures for my birthday and then I found three more the next day. Today I found a Battle Damaged Crossbones at Target. This is a Target exclusive. I know that there are many other exclusive figures and even more of the regular figures for the series. Not to mention the upcoming Marvel Collector Corps Civil War box that has at least one new figure on the way, maybe two.

Also today I received a box from Xfinity and their #Watchathon. Watchathon week is April 18-24 and there are going to be some fun things to see. They sent some comfy clothes except they are too small. I would really like to wear them, too.

I also found a couple of new purple Hot Wheels cars on my trip to Target. More in today’s vlog.