Tag Archives: Harley Davidson

Using My Harley Gift Cards …

new jacket
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02135

I’ve had a Harley Davidson Visa card for a long time. With it I accumulate points towards gift cards. I accumulated a bunch of them and today I went over to Precision Harley Davidson to pick up a jacket because I had been planning on getting one with all the cards. I probably should have told Allison that prior to our anniversary so she could have saved a little bit in getting me a jacket. This Harley jacket is very close to the Dean Winchester jacket that I had my eyes on, too. I like that it doesn’t have a very blatant design on it. Everything on the jacket is very subtle. Looks very much like a plain black jacket but has some nice little Harley details on it. I picked up some other things as well. Used all the gift cards.

Things are Looking Up

Photo-A-Day #2483

Andrew is such a smiling little sweetheart. That is when he isn’t spitting up a ton or screaming like a demon. When he really lets it rip it is chilling. But when he is in his quiet times he is the sweetest little boy ever. I got up with him this morning at 3 or 4, can’t remember. He’s already eaten but I tried to settle him down so Allison could sleep. I rocked him, cuddled him, talked to him but finally it was me putting him in the bouncy seat while I played Skylanders. He watched me play and passed out. Continue reading Things are Looking Up