Tag Archives: iphone app

It Begins Today

Photo-A-Day #2523

I’ve been a bump on a log for far too long. So, today I took out my journey gym and set it up in the garage so that I could start working out again. I had my portable DVD player with the workout on it and at the 15 minute mark the battery died, so instead of a 20 minute workout I had a 15 minute one. Tomorrow I’ll have the DVD player plugged in so that doesn’t happen again.

After that abbreviated workout I went for a walk. I laced up my New Balance Minimus Trail runner sneakers. I also downloaded the Pedometer Ultimate App for my iPhone to track my walk. I walked all around Capron Park. It felt good to get on out of there and walk. The weather was brisk but sunny and nice. I’m looking forward to the Spring and Summer season and spending more time outside. Continue reading It Begins Today

The Aliens are Coming! Fight Back! Review: App Blaster

Photo-A-Day #2506

I received an App Blaster from SpinMaster. This is THE iPhone case that you need in an alien invasion. Well, maybe not real aliens but the funny ones from AlienAttack the free iPhone App that you can download and use with the App Blaster. With this game you can protect your home, office, park, bathroom… you name it. The game is great because it turns your surroundings into a battlefield.

Continue reading The Aliens are Coming! Fight Back! Review: App Blaster