Tag Archives: Iron Man

We have a Magical Day Despite Not Going to the Magic Kingdom

Photo-A-Day #2567

Today we were going to go to Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom but that did not happen. It didn’t happen because poor Eva had a fever and continues to fight a cold, so we decided that rather than drag the poor kid all over the park in the crowds and the heat that we’d do something else instead. I am so happy that we never told her that we were going. I can’t even imagine how that would have gone. But our day was not without Disney Magic. Continue reading We have a Magical Day Despite Not Going to the Magic Kingdom

Waiting for the Avengers to Assemble

Photo-A-Day #2563

My friend and co-host of Geek Dads Weekly, Daniel M. Clark got to see a preview screening of The Avengers. Man I am so jealous. I’ve not seen anything for advanced screenings around here. I guess that there was some contest on Facebook that picked 5 cities that had the most likes for the Avenger’s page. His city was one of them and he got a ticket. I’m glad for him actually and not so much jealous. Daniel is a big comic book geek and this is perfect for him. Of course he’s got to wait three weeks to be able to talk about it with anyone. Continue reading Waiting for the Avengers to Assemble