Tag Archives: Jim Kukral

Starting Up

Photo-A-Day #1677

I’ve got some big plans, big, big plans to get some courses created for Prfessor. I’ve been talking with Jim Kukral and he’s helped me out setting up some packages that I’ll be offering here. I’ve done some freelance blog creation for some great people and I’m ready to offer my services to people who are serious about getting serious online. Part of my packages include blogging courses that I have on Prfessor… Oh wait, not yet.

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Turning Over A New Leaf

Photo-A-Day #1663

For the past few days I have been filling myself with knowledge from so many fantastic people. I had my bi-weekly coaching meeting with my life coach Kim Ann Curtin. we worked on some amazing ideas that have been boiling around in my head. Then I finally got a chance to chat with with Jim Kukral later in the week. I got even more excited and energized. Also for the past two days I have listened to the speakers from the Business Optimization Week series. Every one of those people have given me further fuel for the fire.

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