Tag Archives: Jim Kukral

Where’s the Turkey Chuck!

Photo-A-Day #1692

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the US. We’re going to be spending the day with my parents, Tara and Erik, Shelby and Bonnie and Howard. I am actually looking forward to the parade tomorrow for the first time in forever because Eva is old enough to be interested and also excited. I’m excited to have a turkey drumstick that isn’t going to make me want to go off into the woods to die. (Re: Buffett Concert this year, check the archives) There will also be some other great food and it will be nice to hang out with the family and relax, can we please relax, tomorrow.

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Macro Perceptor Autobot Scientist

Photo-A-Day #1686

I’ve been playing with an Eye-Fi that I got from a SocialSpark opportunity and today before I left work I took a bunch of Macro shots of my Transformers. When I got home they automatically uploaded to my computer and to my Picasa Account. I’m trying to use Picasa more now along with Shuttercal, Zooomr and Flickr. There will be many more of them soon that I’ll be uploading to.

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