Tag Archives: Karate

Yellow Belts and Angelic Voices

Eva at the Concert

Photo-A-Day #4270

Today Andrew had a Stripe/Belt test for Karate. He’s been in Karate for a few months now and he loves it. I may have to remind him to sit still and stand still in class every ride to karate but he is loving it and he’s been doing very well. He has many of the moves down and he has his blocks down, too. Sometimes he faces the wrong way but he’s getting there. He certainly has enthusiasm for the program. I like it very much, the Sensei and other instructors are excellent with the kids.

After Karate it was a trip to KC’s Burger Bar for dinner. We shared Fried Pickles and then he had a hot dog and I had a BLT. We had to hustle because it was Christmas Program night for Eva.

Eva’s class put on the story of the birth of Jesus. There was also a choir concert. Eva played the role of the Angel Gabriel and she did really well. I had a prime seat to capture her performance.

I’m so very proud of my two kids and what they have been doing lately. I can’t wait to see Andrew get his belt tomorrow!

Wiped Out by a Super Busy Day

Andrew and his painting
Photo-A-Day #4195

Today was one of those really nice days. Andrew and I headed off to school and it was picture day for him. He looked so handsome and ready to be photographed. I have finally discovered how to get him to smile at me. I just tell him that he can’t smile at me. When I do that then he does nothing but give me gigantic smiles and he even looks at me. This kid always does the opposite of what I ask when I ask it. However, to start out the day, he was the one who asked to make a video on the way to school.

While he was in school I went to the gym and took a trip over to Walmart and Toys R Us. At Walmart I did not find any Marvel Hot Wheels cars but they did have some Star Wars themed cars. These were in a large $0.94 bin and the cars are themed for the different planets in the Star Wars Universe. There are eight in all and I think that they are numbered by how we chronologically see each of these planets in the Star Wars history.

I also picked up the Disney Infinity figures, Nemo, Alice and the Mad Hatter. Eva would later inform me that today was #MadHatterDay. That is such a strange coincidence.

So, I pick up Andrew and he immediately noticed the Nemo figure and decided that he wanted to play Disney Infinity today. I had a video to work on which I will link to later. So, Andrew played and then he got tired of it he let me know and I told him that it was time for a little quiet time in his room. He had the option of playing quietly or resting. He must have been tired because he fell asleep, hard. I felt really bad about having to wake him up later on, but we had to go and pick Eva up from school. Allison had a party to attend after school and so we had to pick up Eva. Luckily it was Buddy Week at Karate and she was able to try it out. She was very apprehensive about it at first but once she got going she had a great time. The kids were both on their best behavior and Eva had such focus. She expressed that she would like to take karate now. If only her schedule would allow it. I think that she would be a natural. She;s so determined. Her skills would need lots of work but her enthusiasm and determination are excellent.

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