Photo-A-Day #4215
Andrew wanted to get back onto the blog today and so after he made his lunch he went and gave a little intro to the show. He’s been watching a lot of YouTube Kids and is picking up some cool tips. He’s ready for the camera. Such personality in this kid.
I think that helped pep me up for the videos tonight. I actually did a couple of them tonight, my regular vlog one and also one for the 5-Minute Dungeon game.
Before picking Andrew up from school I stopped at GameStop where I found 7 more Captain America Civil War Funko Mystery Minis on clearance. You’ll have to watch the video to see if I found all 5 of the mystery minis that I am missing. I also found a Star Wars Hot Wheels character that I’ve been looking for for a while and it was only $1.99. Great price on that! See what I found on the vlog.