Tag Archives: Kim Ann Curtin

Chalk, Walk, Good Talk

Photo-A-Day #1917

Allison and I are big TV fans, we spend many nights watching TV as I write my blog posts. We are fans of all sorts of shows and the DVR is a magical device in our home. It is great for keeping some of Eva’s favorite Mickey Mouse Clubhouse shows and we use it to capture our favorite shows and specials that we’d love to watch again. Sometimes we get behind on the shows and have a little DVR cleaning night where we clear out everything. Continue reading Chalk, Walk, Good Talk

Time Ripens Quickly

Photo-A-Day #1916

These blackberries are so tempting. The thing is they grow at the edge of the driveway and right in the spot where Uncle Mike sits in his running car (believe me we’ve tried to get him to stop) so these blackberries have been fed on runoff, exhaust fumes and god knows what else. But they look so good. Although these ones were crawling with some sort of ants and that dropped the appeal factor way down. Continue reading Time Ripens Quickly