Tag Archives: kodak

On the Water with the Kodak PlaySport

Photo-A-Day #2345

I finally got to get on the water this morning. I got up and out of the house a little after 7am. I made my way over to Falls Pond. My boat was already on my roof rack as it had been all week long. I’ve been wanting to go kayaking all week long and Tuesday was the day I was going to do it but it poured that day, so no kayaking for me. then Wednesday came and more rain, Thursday more rain as well. I was beginning to feel like Noah. Well, maybe not that bad but I did get a case of the cabin fevers. Continue reading On the Water with the Kodak PlaySport

New York Inspired

Photo-A-Day #2327

I took my camera out tonight and shot this longer exposure photo on the side of the road. I used the manual functions of my Kodak M580 to set the longer exposure and I used a police barrier and timer to keep it steady. This is a shot I probably wouldn’t have attempted with a point and shoot before but I really wanted to show a sense of a city in movement, constant movement in this photo. I think I did that. What do you think?