Tag Archives: Krav Maga

Andy as Tribute

Andy as tribute
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01639

Buddy week continues at the dojo and today at Krav the adults learned a few techniques for being choked from behind. Sensei did call on me to help demonstrate but saw how sweaty I was and picked someone else. He called on another person and they came up to me asking if they could borrow some sweat. Everyone got a good laugh. I was trying hard to have a very hard workout because I’ll be off for a month and I know I’m going to feel so behind when I return. We did not learn the hip toss in the adult class, which is good because I did not have my regular partner. My partner for this could have thrown me across the room and I would have probably had a spinal injury trying to move him.

For the afternoon class the kids worked on the technique that the adults learned in the morning which ultimately lead to learning how to defend against being choked from behind while seated at a school desk. Andy helped with one part of the demonstration. I’ve warned him that they have to move more and get sweatier so they don’t get called on as a volunteer. Sensei was demonstrating how to break a wrist after getting out from the choke.

Learning to Hip Toss

Hip Toss
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01637

Eva and Andy learned how to do hip tosses at Jr. Krav today. Eva got to throw Andy but Andy did not get to throw Eva. I did try and convince Miss Alex to have them switch it up but she said no. Andy did get to hip toss some other kids, though. It is a week before vacation so it is buddy week and that means we learn some different techniques and stray a bit from the curriculum. When I come back in august I’ll be training with the Black Belts and learning that curriculum. It’ll be like being a white belt all over again.