Photo-A-Day #4517
On Andrew’s last day at Zoo Camp I walked him over and then returned home. I discovered that I had a whole free morning with Eva. We watched a couple of episodes of Star Wars Rebels that were on the DVR. I’m very glad that she has been sticking along with me and this series and happy that she has a love for Star Wars. She was all about Star Wars a few years ago but now she is all about Harry Potter. She was headed to her cousin’s house tonight for a “Craft-Over”. They went out to Michael’s yesterday to get materials to make their crafts. Eva also raided the craft closet and paints for more materials. But before she was picked up we had time to do things together.
I gave her two options. We could play the Lightseekers or we could work on LEGO Boost. She chose LEGO Boost. this is a new set from LEGO to encourage Programming for kids and it is a pretty easy interface. I picked it up two weeks ago when I went to the LEGO Headquarters in Enfield, CT (See the video below). We learned quickly that we needed to download the LEGO Boost app in order to build anything. We got to work building ‘Vernie’ the robot. We built as much as you can see in today’s photo. The nice thing is that you do not need to build the entire robot in order to do any of the activities. There are sections that you build and then you learn a little about the robot in each section. We built as much as we could before we had to leave. I was off to drop off the kids’ old playhouse and Eva was off to her “Craft-Over”.
Continue reading An Unexpected Morning with Eva and LEGO Boost