Tag Archives: loans

Car loan refinancing

With one income now and a car payment that is manageable but could be better I was thinking about the possibility of refinancing the loan. The thought of Lower Car Payments makes me very happy and I found a site that can help. The site is called RateGenius and it is dedicated to helping people lower their car payments. RateGenius has a powerful network of lenders, prominent national lenders who will submit rates, terms and the amount of a loan to fit into your lifestyle. Also RateGenius does not charge customers for the refinancing service.

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Can I get a blog loan?

When I just got out of college and was working in the state that shall not be named, man I didn’t like that state. But I digress, when I lived there I was paid a meager wage and I had a technology habit to support. I spent much time at CompUSA buying many gadgets. I ended up racking up some debt and went to get a Personal loan and having that loan to pay off rather than a bunch of credit cards really helped me reduce my debt.

Cut to 10 years later. I paid that loan off long long ago and racked up more credit card debt. I was thinking about going the route of getting one of those Cheap loans out there but I decided to do it through my credit cards instead. I used one of those convenience checks and got a small rate on this loan. I don’t think I would go for a secured loan however since I have no asset to secure it against it makes no sense to me.

But I was wondering if I could get a loan for my blog. I run it partly as a business so maybe I could get a business loan. One of the things I would like to do with the money would be to buy a custom theme from Unique Blog Designs and pay for hosting and other things. I think I should try and get a loan to improve this blog because it has potential.