Tag Archives: Loot Crate

How Do I Keep Getting Behind?

More to do again
Photo-A-Day #4738

It is a rhetorical question that I ask myself almost every week. How do I keep getting behind? I get all caught up on the videos, photos and promotions that I blog about each week only to turn around and see that I still have a bunch of things that haven’t been published, written about or recorded. Of course, we just spent a weekend away and that always gets me behind on things. Then more things get delivered that I had forgotten about. I try and keep a zeroed out inbox, or at least I just keep in the emails from things that I haven’t finished yet. Everything else or replied to and archived and gone so that I can focus. The thing is, I’m finding it harder to focus. There is just so much happening that it means that some things get pushed off by a day or a week. Then I have posts that require help from the kids and we only have Wednesdays and Mondays to accomplish that. I keep working on a schedule and it keeps getting blown out of the water.

Well, I will get everything done, in time.

Getting Back into the Unboxing Groove

Back at it Unboxings
Photo-A-Day #4709

Over four years ago I started seeing a bunch of people making video game videos on YouTube. I thought that I needed to become part of a multi-channel network in order to do so and I made a dumb decision. I joined one, for five years. Yeah, for five years this network was supposed to help me improve my YouTube channel but rather they only took a hefty cut of my earnings. Did they promote me in any way? No. Was there much help at all? Not really. I made a very dumb decision and I learned from that.

Recently YouTube took monetization away from many small time creators who did not have at least 4000 hours of view time and 1000 subscribers. And it was because of these changes that I was dropped from the multi-channel network despite qualifying to continue to be monetized by YouTube.

Well, that is GREAT news to me! I had been counting the days until I would be free from that network. Now I am and I’m starting to produce some more.