Even thought Eva might be a little to young to get the concept of tying her own shoes it isn’t too early to get her excited about it. Tie Buddies (http://www.tiebuddies.com) slip onto shoe laces and help children hold loops together. With Tie Buddies your child can hold the devices and start to learn the essential skill of tying their own shoes. As they get more confident and develop the muscle memory to tie their shoes you can remove one of the tie buddies and then as they get more confident and proficient you can remove the other. Continue reading Review: Tie Buddies →

Photo-A-Day #1875
My Mom got Eva this beautiful book called The Hidden World of Fairies (Disney Fairies) (Aff Link). This is such a wonderful book too. Eva and I have read the entire thing together. It is written as if it is the journal of Wendy. The journal was given to her by Peter Pan and in it Wendy writes her observations of the fairies. There are things like fold out maps, a guide to animal languages and so many other fun thing. There are some jokes that grown ups will get and there is of course the beautiful Disney Art. This book is a primer for the book In the Realm of the Never Fairies: Secret World of Pixie Hollow, The (Disney Fairies) (Aff Link) which Allison and I bought on one of our Disney trips. We are so excited to be going back in September (but don’t tell Eva it is a surprise, plus if you tell her that we are going 3 months before we do then she’s gonna ask every single day till we go, and do you really want to do that to us?) Continue reading Sprinkle with Pixie Dust →
One Family's Adventures in the World