Photo-A-Day #4279
I hate to admit this but I don’t read comics. Okay, that is slightly untrue. I read comics, all the time, on my iPad. I buy comics all the time at my local comic book store, Wild Time Comics. But I don’t ready my physical comic books. I haven’t in almost 2 years. For some reason I missed a week of reading them and never went back to it. So, I’ve been collecting a bunch of comics, mostly Transformers. However, I haven’t read them. One of my resolutions for 2017, one I can keep, is to read all the comic books that I have amassed over the past couple years. Before that though, I have to organize them and put them in proper reading order and that means some major prep work.
My main issue, no pun intended, is that I am not sure the order in which to read each of the books because there are two series of Transformers books that have been running simultaneously. I’m pretty tempted to go all the way back to my original G1 books and start reading from there. Then through Devil’s Due, when they had Transformers, to the current lines from IDW. This may be a new video series that I will do in the new year. Transformers comics from G1 to current day.
Transformers aren’t the only comics that I collect. I collected a bunch of titles from Image comics way back in college. Two friends of mine from college are now celebrating running comic book shops for the past 10 years. They really did a great job of revitalizing the comic book experience in New Hampshire that even included a New Hampshire based Comic-con, the Granite State Comicon. And to think, I used to go down to Storytellers each week with them to pick up comics.
Another thing I’d like to do this coming year is actually attend Granite State Comicon. They are celebrating their 15th year this year and I haven’t made it to a single one. Scratch that I think I went to one of the very early ones way, way back when they started. But recently, no.
Back to my comics… I have started collecting more from IDW that have to do with Hasbro’s collected universe. I am now collecting M.A.S.K. I have the original run of comics from the 80’s, a 4-issue mini series and now am looking forward to this new ongoing title. We’ll see how my progress goes in the coming days.