Photo-A-Day #4229
Activision sent me a mess of Skylanders back before the launch of Imaginators. I have been posting them as often as I can but I’m behind and I really want to play with the ones I have and so I’m opening them to play with them. As far as making walkthrough and gameplay videos I am even further behind. Making gameplay videos takes a long time and as I wait till I have time I’m missing out on playing with the characters. So, I will make them later one. For the time being I’ll do some unboxing videos and reviews of the figures in my posts.
The character above is Master Starcast. He is a Ninja from the Dark Element. There is a special chase variant figure that is out there that is clear. I want it but I haven’t found it anywhere. The last clear character I ever found was the Trap Master Tuff Luck. That was at Target and I just got lucky. I am hoping to get lucky again. After the video I have more information of the additional characters that I opened today. I then played with all of them to get a fee for their fighting styles. Starcast can move around on top of a giant throwing star and then he is also able to toss four stars at once.