Yesterday I took the train down to New York City to attend a Skylanders Swap Force Event where I got to see a bunch of figures up close and actually got to touch them and what’s even better, I got to PLAY the game. Yeah there were four playable levels plus I got my hands on the 3DS version of the game. I learned a ton of information and I hope that I can relay all that I learned to you to help you get even more excited about buying this game and the figures when they come out in less than a month.

The event was at The James Hotel in Soho. I took the train in from Providence and then hopped the E train downtown to Soho. The event was in a suite in the hotel where there were four setups of the game, two on the Wii U and two on the XBox 360. There were a few characters to play with (Check out my full gallery of images of the Swap Force Figures) like Magna Charge (Swap-able Tech), Blast Zone (Swap-able Fire), Wash Buckler (Swap-able Water), Rattle Shake (Swap-able Undead), Lava Barf Eruptor (Re-posed Series 3 Fire), Mega Ram Spyro (Re-posed Series 3 Magic), Zoo Lou (New Core Life) and Roller Brawl (New Core Undead). These were the ones that we could play with. There were also some additional characters in a separate room with the Playstation 4 including Boom Jet (Swap-able Air), Grilla Drilla (Swap-able Life) and Slobber Tooth (New Core Earth). We got a great demo of the characters from Lou Studdert, from the Activision development team. Continue reading Skylanders Swap Force Preview Event Recap