Tag Archives: memories

Review: Online Service: Lifeables

Lifeables LogoI was asked by my friend Cindy if I’d like to take a look at a new website called Lifeables.com. This is a site that can collect photos and other bits of web content about your family to display to other friends and family. The main thing that I learned about this service is that you can share twitter and Facebook info with those family members who are not on Facebook and Twitter and it gets organized in a very cool way. I set up Lifeables to pull in photos of Eva or Andrew from my Facebook, Instagram and Twitter feeds. The setup was very easy and the service looked back over the past three years for photos and quotes that I posted of Eva and Andrew. I’d like to see collection automation from YouTube as well because I do have some fun videos of the kids there. Continue reading Review: Online Service: Lifeables

Eva’s First Day of School 2011

Photo-A-Day #2349

A milestone came today. Eva’s first ever day of school. Today Eva started Pre-School this morning and it was a day of high emotions, laughter, tears, pride and happiness. And today we started that age old tradition of the first day of school photo on the front steps. My Dad would take our photo on the first day of school out on the steps of the sunporch. We have some very nice ones from over the years. Continue reading Eva’s First Day of School 2011